
    Building & BaLA Initiatives

    Building as Learning Aid (BaLA) is an innovation that can help India’s schools become more children friendly. UNICEF has been a proud partner in supporting this initiative over the last decade to see how school space, both indoor and outdoor, can be developed as a learning resource.
    BaLA is about developing the school’s entire physical environment as a learning aid – the inside, the outside and the semi-open spaces – everywhere. At the core, it is about maximizing the educational ‘value’ of a built space. It is based on ‘how children learn’.
    BaLA is a way to holistically plan and use the school infrastructure. It incorporates the ideas of activity based learning, child friendliness and inclusive education for children with special needs (CWSN). At the core, it assumes that the architecture of school can be a resource for the teaching-learning processes.
    This concept was originally developed by Vinyas, Centre for Architectural Research & Design with support from UNICEF. It is now implemented across the all India in all K.V.Schools. It incorporates the ideas of activity based learning, child friendliness and inclusive education for children with special needs (CWSN). At the core, it assumes that the architecture of school can be a resource for the teaching- learning processes. KVS has decided adopt the BALA concept for its Vidyalayas.